Jumaat, 17 Februari 2017

Catappa Leaves / Indian Almond Leaves / Ketapang

Wan's Ketapang

You are buying Premium (Heat-Flattened, Malaysia) Large (7-10") Indian Almond Leaves/ Catappa Leaves / Ketapang.

These were collected and prepared for aquarium use in Malaysia or by a friend in Malaysia with specific instruction by us.

They have also undergone an additional quality control process in Malaysia.

We can guarantee their quality!


For bettas, put a 1-2 sq inch piece (or a quarter of a leaf) into each 1 gallons (4 litre) jar. You can also put a whole tiny leaf into the jar. For usual aquarium (with tetras, gouramis, arrowanas, apistos etc), put 4-6 leaves (for tiny leaves) per 25 gallons (100 litres) of water for 14-21 days. Simply put the leaves into the aquarium. After 1-2 days the leaves will be water-logged and sink. Apart from their benefical effects on the water, they will tan the water slightly (to a clear amber) and provide a very natural stream-bottom look to your aquarium. Alternatively, you can boil the leaves to make blackwater extract and dose when you need. Soaking the leaves in a bucket for a week will produce a similar result.


We normally ship without tracking number so as to save overall cost for our customers. We have sent thousands of packages this way without any difficulty. So "Free Shipping" does not come with tracking. But if you prefer a tracking or registration number, please choose the postage option that costs an addition $2.50. We will always resend packages that end up lost in transit regardless of whether the package is sent with or without tracking number.

Price List:

1 -100 pcs @ $0.50/pcs

101-200 pcs @ $0.40/pcs.

201-500 pcs @ $0.30/pcs.

501-1000 pcs @ $0.20/pcs.

1001 > pcs @ $0.10/pcs.

Call/SmS/Pm or type "Catappa" if calling no answer to order.

WAN +6012-9185187.

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